The Mekong bobtail is an affectionate and balanced cat, dog-like tied to a person, can walk on a leash, but the most favorite place for walking is the owner's shoulder. The cat is moderately talkative, but loves communication. She is able to look into a person's eyes for a very long time without looking away. They get along well with children, especially cats. When walking, it clicks its claws, like a dog, since they do not clean up on the Mekong's hind legs. Does not scratch, uses teeth at the moment of defense or attack. Tolerates moving well, observing the "speed mode" (for each animal its own individual). When speeding, which is "not convenient" for him, he begins to meow loudly, disciplining the driver. There is a matriarchy in this breed group. The cat dominates the pair. The father takes care of the offspring: teaches them to the toilet, to new food, takes care of their toilet, and the cat-mom monitors the observance of duties by the cat-dad. The Mekong bobtails, exported from their homeland and their descendants by feline standards, live a long time. If there are no accidents, then 20-25 years is the norm for them. At the same time, the animals remain mobile and sexually active almost to death.