Children and pets

There is no better friend for children than the Mekong bobtail. Firstly, because he (a) likes to play. Secondly, because he (a) can play interesting games, and not chase a teaser from a feather on a stick. And thirdly, because the Mekong is tolerant of unintentional child cruelty. Do children like to carry cats in their arms? It's okay! The Mekong, like a ragdoll, completely relaxes by hanging its paws. Do children pinch and pull the cat by the scruff of the neck? And the Mekong has a special skin: it freely "hangs out" all over the body and contains a minimum of blood vessels. Lift the Mekong like a sack by the scruff of the neck and the skin on his back – and he will not be offended much.
Mekong bobtails are not afraid of dogs. In turn, dogs do not attack them, preferring to be friends. In such a friendship, it is the cat that becomes the ringleader. He invents games and involves the dog in adventures that are not always harmless to the contents of cabinets and refrigerators.