Mekong bobtails are smart and inventive vivacious. They are cheerful and sociable, adore any company - from children and dogs to guinea pigs, parrots and even rats!

Experts of the breed claim that the Mekong bobtails, unlike most cats, are tied not to the place, but to the owner. They are ready to follow a person anywhere and participate in all matters as much as possible. Mekong bobtails are excellent travel companions on any type of transport and in any company. At home or away, in another country or in the forest, there are no problems with them.

The irrepressible curiosity of the Mekong bobtails pushes them to participate in household chores and cares. Whatever you do - washing, cleaning, cooking, playing on the computer or, sorry, personal hygiene, the Mekong bobtail is always there and always ready to "help".

These cats love to "chat" about everything in the world, masterfully changing the timbre of their voice and using different "words" depending on the situation and the topic of the "conversation". They can tell you what they were doing while you were away, tell on the offender or express what they think about your behavior.

The Mekongs are able to heal spiritual wounds and diseases. When you have cats scratching at your soul, just take the mekong and tell him/her everything as it is. He (a) will understand everything, sing you a gentle song and calm you down. And if something hurts you, it will snuggle up to the sore spot and warm you up.

Mekong bobtails intuitively sense "bad" people and "ambush" situations. Hearing the doorbell ring, the cat rushes into the hallway, squealing funny at the same time. And if she does not like the guest, she will do everything to prevent his presence in the house. By the way, in a conflict situation, mekongs do not scratch, but bite!

What else about these cats resembles dogs? Firstly, the love of aport. Mekong people like to bring back abandoned sticks or toys! Secondly, learning ability. The Mekongs learn to meet you at the door and serve you slippers! Thirdly, they can be taught to walk on a leash (although they themselves prefer to sit on their shoulder or in a backpack). And, fourthly, the claws on the hind legs of the Mekong bobtails do not hide inside. Because of this, cats click their claws when walking, like dogs.

And they also jump very high. From a place one and a half meters up? No question! Mekong bobtails are a thunderstorm of all flies and mosquitoes in the house.