It is said that the Mekong bobtails often accompanied Thai princesses during walks and put their amazing tails under the precious rings of the princesses when they took them off before ablutions and bathing. The fracture at the tip of the tail prevented the precious rings from slipping to the ground.
How much has already been written about the magnificent tails of the Mekong bobtails! What is considered to be a plembrac in other breeds (tribal marriage) the Mekong bobtails have a breed sign. Creases, hooks and loops on the tails are completely unique and do not repeat, a kind of "fingerprint" difference. The same curvature of the vertebrae is observed at the base of the tail, they cannot be seen, and not every felinologist will be able to probe this incorrectness.
Another difference of the Mekong bobtails associated with another legend. Guarding palaces and temples, bobtails had to fight not only with criminals in human form, but also with poisonous snakes that infested palaces and gardens, and if the venom from the bite instantly got into the blood, the number of defenders would be significantly reduced.
Therefore, the skin of bobtails adheres loosely to the muscles, and cats practically do not react if the skin is pulled back. This gave the brave defenders a great advantage – snake venom did not penetrate deep into the muscles (from there into the blood), but got into the skin, where, as is known, there are fewer blood vessels.
The Mekong bobtails are famous for their quite "canine" habits, you will agree, not every cat will agree to walk on a leash, wear a "litter" in his teeth, bring the owner the things he needs, and even ask to play with them in the famous dog game - to throw various objects. But the Mekong bobtails like it all very much, they even click like dogs when walking, because they do not remove their claws on their hind legs. Mekongs, unlike other cats, practically do not scratch, and in defense, strive to bite, not scratch.
The character of the Mekong bobtails is not easy and interesting. Its main feature is curiosity, which makes them follow literally on the heels of the owner, and they get used to the owner, and not to housing, which also distinguishes them from other cats, and makes them even more like dogs. However, they do not have such "stickiness" and importunity as the Siamese. Being descendants of cats of oriental breeds, the Mekong are very fond of "talking", they do it often and with pleasure, the manner of "talking" differs from the "speech" of Thais, they meet the human gaze boldly, and they do not look away.
The Mekong bobtails have very interesting "intra-family" relationships. The main cat in such a family, however, all the main concerns about the offspring lie "on the shoulders" of the cat. Even the usual care of a mother, licking kittens, is assigned to the cat by the Mekong, he also teaches them to the toilet, to new food, warms them and sleeps with them, but God forbid, he gapes and misses something - the cat can slap them, and "reprimand" give.
But, cats obey their beauties so much that they endure it silently, as real men should, moreover, like true gentlemen, they are sincerely devoted to their Mekong princesses, follow them on their heels, and protect them from ill-wishers.